Dispensary and prescriptions
We are a dispensing practice, and can supply all necessary medication to those patients who live more than one mile from a chemist.
Staithes Surgery Dispensary
Staithes Surgery Dispensary, Seaton Crescent, Staithes, Saltburn-by-the-sea, TS13 5AY
Prescription line opening hoursMonday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 11am-2pm
Wednesday 10am-12noon
Ordering repeat prescriptions
If you require a repeat prescription please allow 72 hours notice. If possible please collect your medication after 2pm.
Prescription charges must be paid on receipt. The charges are laid down by government policy. Pre-payment or exemption certificates must be presented.
Please return unused or out of date medications to the surgery.
All patients on regular repeat medication need to be seen annually for a review.
There are a number of ways to order repeat prescriptions:
Order repeat prescriptions by logging in to your NHS App or the NHS website, and have them sent to a pharmacy of your choice.
In person
Please visit the surgery.
You may order your repeat medication online at any time – you will need to be registered for SystmOnline Login . Find out more about online services with Patient Access on our PCN website or please ask our staff, who will be happy to help set this up for you.
Request slip
The right hand side of your prescription is a green request form for repeat medication. Tick the boxes nest to the items you require and post it through the letter box near the prescription collection counter.
By telephone
Telephone orders can be made via the prescription line at the times indicated above. Please note that due to the heavy workload the phones can be extremely busy at times. Please be patient, we will answer as soon as we can.